April 4, 2011

Today I'm smiling...

I woke up today with a smile on my face, despite looking out the window and seeing yet another day of rain here in the Seattle area. The reason for my smile? Because I watched The Food Network's Chopped: All Stars last night and Chef Nate Appleman won! And his charity that receives $50,000 for his win is the Kawasaki Disease Foundation.

Many people who read this blog (friends and family) know that I have a personal connection to the KD Foundation myself. I am on the board currently, and had Kawasaki Disease when I was 15 years old. I was left with multiple coronary aneurysms and have suffered three small heart attacks as a result. It has been 18 years since I was diagnosed and there is still so little known about KD. The money that Nate won will fund future research for KD, and just him mentioning KD on television has hopefully brought awareness to a group of people who may not have ever heard of KD before.

You can read the recap of the show (which was amazing, by the way!) here: http://www.foodnetwork.com/chopped/index.html

And if you are on Facebook, please head over to the KD Foundation page and "like" us! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Kawasaki-Disease-Foundation/168872573142654

1 comment:

Jodi Steele said...

I totally thought of you when I saw him (his first time and on the championship episode). It's so cool that he won!!