My name is Kate and I am a 30-ish stay at home mom to two beautiful children
(Santiago and Gabriela), a blogger, crafter, DIY-er, and someone who will
try most things at least once. I've been known to do crazy things such
as take trapeze lessons over the age of 30, and run a half marathon on
purpose. I'm a transplant to Washington (near Seattle) from the great
state of Maine, where I attended college and received my Bachelors
degree in Mass Communications. I've been married to my husband Tito
(he's from Peru, which is where he got that cool nickname) for 8 years,
and am a new-ish home owner who spends my weekends chasing after
toddlers, creating lists of things to do for the house and yard, and
just enjoying time with my family.
You can also find me on:
Instagram (
Pinterest (
Twitter (