April 17, 2011

Current state of ME

I've been sick all weekend, so this is all I can muster today:

listening 16 and Pregnant marathon on MTV.
eating FiberOne Oats and Chocolate bar.
drinking orange juice.
wearing pj pants and a Texas A&M t-shirt.
feeling sick.
weather grey with peeks of sunshine.
wanting to feel better.
needing to feel better by tomorrow since Tito won't be here to watch Santi all day.
thinking my cat makes weird noises when she sleeps (she's sleeping next to me).
enjoying the sound of Tito and Santi playing in the livingroom and the occasional visits from Santi.
creating an organized house this week by tackling each room separately.
pondering what will be happening in a few months.
loving spending time with my baby.
anticipating summer and swimming with my guy.

discovered here and here.

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