March 24, 2010

Repost from another journal I have...this all happened last week:

It's been a rough 24 hours here for me. I went upstairs yesterday to spend time with the baby and on our way down started having severe sharp pains. Got back to my room and laid down, and for about 5 hours was in severe pain - they were trying to tell me I had gas pain or needed to use the restroom to relieve the pain, so I got up to try and almost passed out. They took my blood pressure and it was 73/33. Then my doc came in and said that it wasn't anything anyone had told me it was and that I had a huge hematoma underneath my skin where they'd done the c-section. So they rushed me upstairs as I was literally screaming in pain, and did a procedure to help drain the fluids. They ended up taking out 300 cc's and then wrapping me tight with a pressure band which didn't help to stop the bleeding. So they did an ultrasound and discovered that I had an artery that was bleeding. So I ended up in emergency surgery to repair that. I had a rough night as well after the surgery because now I am having random muscle spasms in my chest because of the fact that I was tensed up in pain for 5 hours straight.

Tito is busy going back between staying with me and seeing the baby since I can't go up there anymore for the time being. It looks like I will be in here for another few days longer than expected. I currently am bed bound because I've got a wound vac for my incision spot and I need some blood transfusions (had two yesterday because I lost so much blood and now need at least one more today.) Couple that with the muscle spasms and not being able to see my baby, and I'm not in great shape.

In other news, I woke up this morning with pain and realized my milk was coming in. So I was able to pump with Tito's help and we brought up about 50 ml of milk to Santi for him to eat this morning. I am so happy that my body is cooperating because he's been on formula and some of my colustrum but no milk. So that made my day!

Santi is doing better - healthier, strong, has a great grip, and is a voracious eater. :) Tito's been feeding him and changing him and holding him and I hope I can be up there tomorrow to do the same.

What an experience this has been but we are praying for no more complications and no more bleeding for me!

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