March 24, 2010

Originally posted on March 21:

I'm still in the hospital..hoping to go home tomorrow. They have to close up my c-section incision though because they kept it open because of the hematoma and second surgery, and they didn't want to have to do a 3rd one if they didn't have to. So I've had a wound vac and dressing on it since Wednesday. My doctor actually suggested I could go home today but I opted to meet with him tomorrow to see if he'd close up the wound here in the hospital rather than in the clinic like he was suggesting (um...yuck.) Plus, if we went home tonight, we don't have a breast pump yet (it was on backorder when the lactation consultant ordered it for me and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow) and the lactation consultants only worked until 12pm today so we couldn't get a rental pump. And I don't want Santiago to have to have formula (we've been feeding him exclusively breast milk either via breast feeding or in a bottle since my milk came in on Wednesday morning and now he really doesn't like the formula, which we are happy about and want to keep it that way since we want to exclusively feed him breast milk at home.) So I'm going to talk to my doc about the plan tomorrow. They had to change my dressing yesterday and it was more painful than the original procedure they did to drain the hematoma initially. Plus it set my recovery back a few days since I was ok walking before the changing of the dressing and now I'm sore and stiff all over my belly and legs and can't bend down without pain.

Santi will be home in a week, so we'll be spending every day at the hospital feeding and visiting. I can't wait until we're at home and back to "normal"...he's doing well, responding to the antibiotics and doing a great job of eating (he eats between 80 and 100 cc's per feeding every three hours and sometimes has a snack in between feedings. :) The docs are still culturing out his bacteria to find out what it is. There is still a possibility it's listeria. Another possibility is staph in his bloodstream. And the final possibility is meningitis. They have been giving him an antibiotic that treats meningitis from the beginning (as well as it treats listeria.) They did a spinal tap and there were elevated white cells in his spinal fluid. But it didn't culture out as meningitis right away. So when they get the results of the listeria culture, apparently they'll know if it's also meningitis. This is all so scary and confusing for us. And the possibility of meningitis is scarier. But the good news is that if it was meningitis ever, he's been on the antibiotics for that since day 1.

He's out of the isolette and in a real basinett now. Open at the top just like he'd be in in my room with me. He's on a great schedule, feeding and diaper changes every three hours. But if the nurses can't feed him right away he'll stir and fuss a bit and then soothe himself back to sleep.

And to top off our week, the other night, I woke up at midnight to Tito talking to a nurse I didn't know in my room. He was walking around confused and the nurse kept telling him he needed to go to the ER. I was so out of it I had no idea what was going on. He kept walking in and out of the room and the nurse kept telling him to go to the ER. He asked her "Can't someone go with me?" And I think he meant I called him back to me and asked him what was wrong. He said that he had woken up and wasn't able to breathe and was gasping for breath. I asked him if he thought it was a panic attack and wanted me to go to the ER with him. He said no. He went down and got checked out and they said that they thought it might have been a panic attack. Since he had a lot of stress going on (Santi being in the NICU, me having the second surgery and him seeing me writhe in pain for 5 hours straight before being rushed into emergency surgery) that it could have been triggered by that. The other thing they suggested was that it was sleep apnea. So they referred him to his primary care doc for follow up. He went to the appointment yesterday and they agreed it was sleep apnea. I mentioned he'd been snoring a lot more lately, and that it was worse when he was on his back. The doc looked at his airway and said that it was really small, and most of the time people who had really small airways were really large people, of which Tito is not, so he said it may just be a rare case of sleep apnea in a smaller person. So he's got to set up a sleep study where he'll spend the night in the hospital and be observed. Then they'll talk a plan. For now he's sleeping on his side to help it.

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