March 9, 2010

Interesting doctor's appointment

Had a OB appointment yesterday. Had my NST first and got in quickly. I was hopeful I'd get out of there early. The tech put me on the monitors and his heartrate was good. Mostly in the 150's and with lots of acceleration. However, as the test went on, this tech kept commenting that she wasn't pleased with the fact that his heartrate wasn't going up much (although last week, she was saying the same thing when his heartrate was in the 130's and 140's.) So I was confused about that. She asked if he'd been moving around a lot and I said a little but not too much and that he was more active during the evening. So basically she was getting me all worked up )for no reason.)

At the same time, I'd gotten a horrible headache and was feeling lightheaded. My nurse came in and commented that my hands and feet looked puffy. So of course, I'm thinking preeclampsia signs and that these are them. They had taken my blood pressure and it was up a bit too. So they moved me to a room after the NST.

My doc is on vacation, so I was scheduled to see his partner who knows all about me and who I'd seen last week. Well she ended up getting called into a c-section, so I had to see "stranger doctor". Who knew nothing about me, my history, etc. After waiting for awhile and talking with the nurses, who were placing bets that "by next week I wouldn't be pregnant anymore", this doctor came in. He'd been briefed on me about 2 minutes before he walked in the door. I'm not exactly the person to have someone briefed on. :) I told him how I'd been feeling, and he said that they'd taken my blood pressure which was down from when I'd been in the NST and they'd checked my urine and I wasn't spilling proteins (apparently a sign of preeclampsia.) So this was good news. He told me the warning signs for preeclampsia and told me to call if I had any of them.

He measured me and said I am now measuring behind (36 weeks) because the baby has dropped. He also said that the NST was fine, he didn't know why the tech was worried about his heartrate because it was great. He also said that because the baby has dropped, that's probably why he's less active (but to keep an eye on it anyway.) He didn't check my cervix (which I was ok with since I didn't know him.) But then the nurse came back in after he'd left and said that I should come back in to see my doc on Friday. I was originally scheduled to see him on Tuesday, but now I'm in for Friday. And making a plan to have this baby maybe?

So we'll the meantime, I'm pretty uncomfortable. My lower abdomen is killing me when I walk. When I stand up, it hurts, and I have to take a minute or two to readjust myself before actually walking. I had a contraction this morning that was all in my upper stomach area and was SUPER painful. Thankfully only one. And I'm having cramping in my lower ab area that the doc said was "irritability"...guess the walk I went on with Tito on Saturday might have done something.

So we'll see on Friday...I'll be 38 weeks then so realistically this baby could arrive seat was installed on Saturday, and we went to Costco Sunday and stocked up on food which I put into freezer bags as meals. So we've got easy meals (just thaw and pop into the oven or thaw and pop on top of the stove) for about 2 weeks (we also have some tortellini and bread, etc. Only thing we'll have to get are things like milk, juice and fruits/fresh veggies.)

1 comment:

Heather (Laptops to Lullabies) said...

So exciting that you might have the baby so soon! Keep us updated!