February 8, 2010

Nursery update

So with all of the new things from the shower this weekend, I took the opportunity to re-organize the nursery on Sunday morning. Here are some photos:

Name banner above his crib and new moose pillow/toy

As you enter the room - you can see the banner, the mobile I made, and his new bouncy seat

Nursing/rocking area with the new "boppy", and a burp cloth made by Morgen with his name embroidered on it

Changing area with new dresser top organizer for his diaper things and a new changing pad cover

His closet filled with clothes, burp cloths, bibs, extra sheets, swaddlers and more!


Heather (Laptops to Lullabies) said...

Ohhh, everything looks so wonderful! I can't wait until my boy's nursery is all set up.

siiilllygirl said...

I am with Laptops to Lullabies! It looks amazing, Kate!! Good job :)
I cannot wait to nest ...

Lesli said...

It all looks lovely. You are so ready!