September 2, 2009

Ready for the weekend

It's only Wednesday afternoon and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Tito is leaving this weekend and flying cross country to a friend's wedding in Maryland. I couldn't go because my doc wouldn't let me fly (boo!) So I get to hang back and do fun things. Like what, you ask?

Here's my weekend plans:

Friday morning - drive Tito to the airport at the horrible hour of 5am! Drop him off and then - wait for it, wait for it...go to work. It just doesn't make sense for me to drive back home again since I'd have to go 20 mins north of where I work to go home, and by the time I got there I'd probably have to get ready for work and come in. So I'm crazy and just going in at 5:30am. But the good thing about this? I get to leave at 1:30pm on a holiday weekend, so that is not that bad.

Friday night - birthday party at a sushi restaurant north of me. I'm really going to try and be awake enough for this. Not that I can eat sushi but I've heard the place has teryaki so I can have that. We'll see how I'm feeling though.

Saturday morning - buy boxes and get boxes from grocery store. Pack. Pack. Pack. Take things off of walls and repair holes from nails. Fun times. Since I won't be able to physically lift anything during our move in about a month, I can pack. So I get to pack and stack. I'm going to box up anything we're not currently using on a regular basis and can live without for a month before we move.

Saturday night - work on finishing our honeymoon scrapbook. Watch tv and movies. Veg.

Sunday morning - church.

Sunday afternoon - finish any packing, organizing or purging that wasn't done the day before. Finish honeymoon scrapbook. Start working on honeymoon video (gift for Tito for Christmas.)

Sunday night - Read. Go through Rachel Ray magazines and Family Circle and Good Housekeeping and pull out recipes I like. Copy into recipe organizer while watching tv. Recycle magazine when done.

Monday - Read (I have so many books to catch up on and get back to the library!) Relax. Veg. Pick up Tito from the airport. :)

I need to keep busy when Tito's not here otherwise I go crazy. I'm happy if I accomplish 50% of this. In my mind the packing, organizing, finishing the honeymoon scrapbook (it's 75% done already) and reading are the most important. So really it's not that much. Just enough to keep me busy so I'm not bored, sitting on my butt all day watching tv or missing Tito too much.

And it'll make the weekend go by quickly so I can get excited for Tuesday - which is our next OB appointment and chance to see jalapeno! I'm going in for the quad screening for genetic testing and part of it includes an ultrasound. So hopefully we'll be able to see jalapeno moving around rather than just being a little heart-beating blob like the last time (at 7 weeks.) It's amazing to me that in just 3.5 short weeks our baby will have gone from a non-moving blob to a fetus with fully formed organs, and is moving up a storm!

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