September 16, 2009

First baby items...

So I got our bi-annual notice of our insurance survey yesterday and logged online to take it. The best part of this survey is the $50 they give you for taking it. :) I called Tito and said it would be nice when he took his if he could apply it to Amazon or Babies R' Us so we could get $100 worth of something for the baby. He insisted he wanted to do a "date night" thing, and wanted me to as well, but I chose to go with so I could have the option of getting something for myself or the baby.

After taking the survey, I filled out that I wanted an e-certificate and it actually arrived in my in box about 20 minutes later! I've never gotten them that fast! I spent about an hour looking on Amazon, trying to decide what I wanted. I finally decided I wanted to get the most "bang" for my buck, and opted against applying the $50 towards a swing, pack and play or something larger. I've compiled a list from recs from some friends, as well as Baby Bargains for some items that are deemed "essential" and also some things that I think would be helpful to me so I was looking at those. So I ended up with 4 items. I only went about $12 over because we have Amazon Prime and shipping was free. So it wasn't a bad deal to get 4 things for $12!

Here's what I got:

Safety 1st Comfy Bath Center in Light Blue - had really high recommendations on Amazon and customer reviews. People mentioned that the temp gauge was good, as well as the foam (in blue) kept the baby from slipping and didn't get cold like the older version that had a plastic coating.

DEX Products Sound Sleeper SS-01 - I actually had been recommended to get the Homedics version that has a disc that projects on the ceiling, but that one didn't qualify for Amazon Prime for me, and the reviews on this one were good as well since it has 24 different sound options (you can combine sounds if wanted.) And I'd read some reviews on the Homedics that said that the projection on it and backlighting was a little bright for a baby.

Itzbeen Baby Care Timer - Blue - The reviews I'd read were good, and the one that sold me was the guy who mentioned that he'd bought it for his wife who thought they wouldn't need it - until the baby came. And then she was so sleep deprived that her math skills suffered and she was having a hard time figuring out the last time the baby was fed, when it was changed, etc. I know it seems like a silly, frivolous baby item, that women have had baby's forever without needing an electronic device to keep track of this stuff, but this money was free money to me, so this was my "splurge" item!

Latin Lullaby - I've had this saved in my cart for future purchase for 2 years. It's full of Spanish lullabies, and includes two songs that Tito's parents used to sing to him when he was a kid - "Duermete Mi Nino" and "A La Nanita Nana". We're in the process of collecting books and CD's of lullaby music in Spanish and English for this baby.

I'm excited for our first few items (other than some miscellaneous items I've picked up over the past year or so, or books I've gotten.) to arrive! Granted, I could have waited a couple more weeks so they'd be one less thing to move to our new place, but it's ok, it's baby stuff and it's small, right? :)

1 comment:

jarnold said...

Love it Kate... congrats to you two! And keep enjoying every minute of it... totally worth it! By the way, love the CD!