September 9, 2009

Under 200 days to go!

I can't believe we're under 200 days to go now! So crazy how fast time is flying...

Yesterday was a good day. I woke up nice and early. Had some breakfast (Trix cereal, yum! I'm craving sugary cereals which is weird because I never eat these!) then got ready for the day. Headed to the UW for my first appointment of the morning which was my NT scan ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was awesome. So nice, and she found Baby D right away. At first Baby D wasn't moving at all, then, as if it knew we were looking at it, it started squirming and moving around like crazy! She snapped a few photos, and started to take the measurements...I saw the baby roll over three times total. It was moving its feet and legs, and arms and hands around a bunch too. It was so amazing to see tiny, perfect fingers and toes! The tech said everything looked great, and the fluid at the back of the neck and spine were actually as "low as they possibly could be" which was great to hear! She said the baby was measuring at 11w6d and I was 11w4d according to my dates, so she said that was right on. Baby D is just about 2 inches long. With a huge head. :) She did one shot from underneath where you could see both legs and I looked and said "I don't see anything there that indicates it's a boy." She smiled and said it was too early to be conclusive but that she was guessing it was a girl, which is what I've felt it was from the beginning. I'll have to wait another 6 weeks to know for sure though.

I had another appointment after this for an ultracomm and then meeting with my doc but I had some time to kill so I went to the cafeteria to get some food because I was starving! I ended up having an egg, two slices of turkey bacon and a slice of raisin toast. Lots of protein!

The ultracomm appointment was right afterwards to measure the amount of blood flowing from my heart (this is one of the special things I get to do because of my heart condition.) The results there were not great. I am pumping far greater than normal amounts of blood through my heart. My blood pressure is low, but the flow is too high. Although my doc said that if I were to be abnormal in anything that this would be the best thing for my to be abnormal in. So I'm increasing my medications and getting checked again. We go back in a month for the second part of the testing (more blood work) and then also for urine protein levels and another ultracomm.

I can't even put into words how truly amazing it was to see this little baby moving around and squirming and knowing that it was something that Tito and I created from something so tiny! I'm in awe of it all. So I'd like to share with you all my child.. (I put the markers on for people who didn't know what they were looking at!) :)

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