September 18, 2009

Update on baby items

So, thanks to Amazon Prime, we got our packages already! Actually the baby bath came in 1 day! The rest of the stuff arrived yesterday.

The baby bath seems larger than I thought it was going to be (I don't know what I was thinking, it needs to fit a baby up to 6 months old!) I'm worried it won't fit over our kitchen sink, but in that case we can probably just put it in the bathtub, right?

The sound machine had a 10 second demo on it so I was playing with that yesterday. The sounds seem nice and soothing. Although the "womb" setting was a little creepy. Tito and I both agreed on that one and don't think we'll be using that setting but sticking to the ocean, rain, etc. settings.

The Itzbeen is TINY! I thought it would be larger (about the size of a Kindle) but instead it's just a little larger than an old school Ipod (maybe the size of an IPhone?) and has a little clip where you can clip it onto your clothes. Makes perfect sense to me! Haven't had a chance to pull it out of the package and play with it (I've kept it all in packages so we can just put it all in a box to move and then put it all in the baby's room) but I can't wait to try this out. I love little gadgets like this!

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Our bathtub is great because it worked really well when Nelia was a newborn (it had this cool newborn insert thing) and now that she is bigger we only use 1/2 the insert and when she gets even bigger we won't use the insert at all. You can totally put the baby bathtub in the regular tub. Our baby bathtub is designed to be used in the kitchen sink which I like because then I don't have to bend over. We will eventually use it in the regular tub though as she starts to splash around a bit more.

It is crazy how much babies like things that replicate being in the womb. That is why they like being carried so much (like in the Moby) because they can hear your heartbeat. And the static from a radio replicates what things sounded like to them in your belly.

I never got the Itzbeen, but it seems like a great idea! I just write everything down, which has worked pretty well unless I forget.

I bet you are getting even more excited with baby stuff arriving in the mail!