December 14, 2009

Stronger and stronger

This baby's kicks are definitely getting stronger and stronger...and more often! He is kicking constantly throughout the day, and I can see 99% of them just from watching my belly (a nightly occurrence) as well as seeing him move around in there. No hand or foot impressions yet but I have a feeling they're coming.

On Sunday morning, I woke up to Tito saying "I felt him kick!" Apparently he'd woken before me and put his hand on my belly. The baby kicked hard and strong about three times in a row where he put his hand. He was so excited. I told him (as the baby continued kicking) that I felt these kicks, movements, etc consistently all day. And I mentioned that these felt a little like hiccups since they were consistently timed and constant. I said he was probably banging some part of his body against my stomach while hiccuping. Still very cool and Tito was excited. He's felt the baby's movements before but never this strong. I mentioned to him that now his kicks/movements are getting stronger because he has moments where it feels like he's storing up all of his energy for one big kick/punch and then will let loose with one. Occasionally they are so strong that if I'm walking or standing they'll throw my balance off a bit!

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