December 26, 2009

27 Weeks!

How Far Along: 27 weeks (91 more days to go!) One more week in the second trimester and then on to the home stretch!

What "They" Say About Our Baby's Development: This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Mama: The second trimester is drawing to a close, but as your body gears up for the final lap, you may start noticing some new symptoms. Along with an aching back, for example, you may find that your leg muscles cramp up now and then. They're carrying extra weight, after all, and your expanding uterus is putting pressure on the veins that return blood from your legs to your heart as well as on the nerves leading from your trunk to your legs. Unfortunately, the cramps may get worse as your pregnancy progresses. Leg cramps are more common at night but can also happen during the day. When a cramp strikes, stretching the calf muscle should give you some relief. Straighten your leg and then gently flex your toes back toward your shin. Walking for a few minutes or massaging your calf sometimes helps, too.

Weekly Food Comparison: An English hothouse cucumber

The Good: More and more movement everyday. I can also feel and see him just turning and moving around now as opposed to just kicks and punches. Seeing a hand/foot/head dragged across the inside of my stomach is cool and a little weird!

The Bad: Heartburn...

The Weird: Seeing the movements, but it's cool

Currently Craving/Avoiding:

Avoiding: Handling raw meat

Craving: I tend to have "cravings of the moment" which are just what strikes me then and I usually don't want it ever again. This is especially noticeable in the grocery store when I want things like garlic roasted mashed potatoes, chips, juices I never buy, etc.

Doctor Updates:
Ultrasound for growth and checks on Tuesday!

Total weight gain/loss: Still up 15 lbs.

Maternity clothes?
I happily squeezed (with the help of a Bella Band) into a pair of non-maternity pants last weekend. Happy they fit! Most of what I wear on a normal basis is maternity pants though. I'm quickly outgrowing some t-shirts, but looser, non-maternity tops I can wear over this belly.

Stretch marks?

Harder to get comfortable at night even with all of the pillows. I find myself waking up on my back (with a pillow wedged under me) a lot, which is unusual since I never slept like that pre-pregnancy.

Best moment this week:
Opening some very cute and thoughtful gifts for the baby at Christmas!

He's sleeping a bit more during the day and moving a lot at night. Last night we played some classical music to him and he liked certain pieces...hopefully he'll get his mom and dad's musical talent and take up an instrument?
Maybe violin? Or maybe he'll play clarinet like his mom.

Food cravings:
See above.

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out?
In...still slowly closing in on itself

What I miss:
Wine, and this time of year champagne

What I am looking forward to:
Finally finishing the nursery

The Weekly Belly Bump: 27 week photos!

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