December 10, 2009


Boring. The word I heard today to describe me and my pregnancy/heart related issues as of now. Music to my ears.

Had a cardiology appointment today as a check up during the pregnancy and to go over results from my echo cardiogram I had last month. It was unchanged, which was so nice to hear (when you have aneurysms, you want to hear that there's no change, especially if they aren't changing to bigger ones!) The PA declared me boring, and that I was having a nice, normal, "boring" pregnancy. Like a real normal woman who doesn't have a heart condition and coronary aneurysms? Fantastic words. Seriously, I left with a big dopey grin on my face. Might have been their Christmas present to me this year!

I've been dealing with Kawasaki Disease, aneurysms, heart attacks and heart issues since I was 15 years old. I've been seeing cardiologists since then, have had multiple hospitalizations, and had to face the fact that I might not be able to get pregnant as it might pose too much of a risk to my health. Luckily, I have a fantastic perinatologist who said it would be no problem to get pregnant, and they would monitor me all the way. Knock on wood, 25 weeks in, I'm doing fine. Boring, even. :)

Tonight I'm going to go home, split a pizza with my husband (our Thursday night tradition), and watch The Office, hopefully spot and feel a few baby kicks and punches and celebrate my being boring. Happily boring.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

So glad to hear that things were boring today!!!!