January 5, 2010

Another new thing

So I've been feeling good since about 16 weeks. Energy back, appetite back, no more nausea. Second trimester was good to me. I entered the third trimester on Friday and happily thought "I'm in the home stretch!" Sure, I knew there were things ahead of me that I had only heard about but hadn't experienced yet - swelling of my hands and feet, constant back aches, more weight gain, less energy, adopting a waddling walk - but I figured I would deal with those as they came to me, if at all.

However, I was not prepared today for what happened. I woke up feeling fine. Went about my business, albeit a little tired as I'm still coming off of "vacation time" where you sleep in late (and late for me is 8:30am!) Left for work, still feeling tired, but ok. Came into work, had my second breakfast (I have a bowl of cereal at home and then always have a snack when I get to work.) At about 11:30am, I felt the sudden urge to run to the bathroom. Normally not too much of an issue but my office is all the way on the end of a long hallway and the bathroom is all the way at the other end of the same hallway. So I walked as fast as I could without looking silly (as silly as a 7 months pregnant woman in high heeled boots walk/waddling down the hall could look?) and made it to the bathroom to throw up. Thinking it was something I ate, I went back to my desk after finishing my business and cleaning up. 20 minutes later - same thing. And then once more about an hour later. It's as if I'm feeling fine and then all of a sudden need to throw up - RIGHT THEN.

So I emailed my doc, looked online to see if this was a "normal", third trimester pregnancy symptom or maybe it was something I ate. Turns out, according to the web and my doc, it's normal. Some women get this in the third trimester for whatever reason. Lucky me...

Let's hope it's just a one day occurrence rather than one that continues throughout the next 11 weeks...it's for a good reason. It's for a good reason...but maybe my baby could let me know when he's going to make me feeling yucky? How about sending up a signal? Or maybe the vomiting IS the signal?

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