May 10, 2011

Final Spring Cleaning Update!

So I'm done! Our house is officially "clean" feels nice to get those major, once or twice a year things out of the way!

For reference, here's what I did, as referenced in this post:

1. Make vinegar cleaning solution (I found this recipe online: Mix a solution of 1 part water to 1 part vinegar in a new store bought spray bottle and you have a solution that will clean most areas of your home.)

2. Clean all glass in the house with the solution (windows, sills, patio door, glass picture frames, mirrors) Truth be told, this solution is not the best. Vinegar leaves a lot of streaks on glass. So I ended up re-doing everything over again with glass cleaner.

3. Dust thoroughly (i.e. pick up items and dust underneath them) Done, and wasn't too hard since I dust weekly.

4. Vacuum thoroughly (i.e. move furniture when possible and vacuum underneath them. Also pick up couch cushions and vacuum underneath.) Done, and the living room was rearranged, as referenced in this post, which made it really easy to clean underneath the furniture!

5. Clean off mat underneath Santi's high chair Note to self - do this more often!

6. Clean out cabinets in kitchen and wipe down Finished up last weekend

7. Clean out refrigerator Finished up last weekend

8. Clean out cabinets in guest bathroom

9. Clean out cabinets in master bathroom

10. Clean blinds and curtains Can I just say how much I HATE cleaning blinds? But I did this on the day I discovered our downstairs, chain-smoking neighbors were moving out, so this was the way I was able to "spy" on them until it was confirmed! :)

11. Wash duvet and all blankets

12. Go through each room and purge items - place on EBay, craigslist and Amazon if they can be sold. Place in donate box if they can't be sold I have sold 4 books so far, and am waiting on some other things to sell still.

13. Go through Santi's clothes and pull out things that are too small, worn, etc. Donate what can be donated and save what can be saved

14. Organize extra photos in photo boxes by dates

15. Clean all floors in kitchen, bathrooms and entryway

16. Clean out catbox and wipe down inside and out  Will definitely be doing this on a monthly basis.

17. Clean out Santi's humidifier Now that he's past his cold we're hoping to not have to use the humidifier for some time!

What did YOU do for spring cleaning this year?

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