March 2, 2011

Santi's 11 month letter


Dear Santiago:

You are now eleven months old! We only have one more month until you are no longer considered a newborn and are officially a toddler.

You are on the move! You are so fast when you crawl and love to have us chase you! When we chase you down the hall, you laugh and giggle and always stop to look back to make sure we’re still coming.

I’m staying home full time with you now and love it. We get to spend so much time together and have a great routine of waking at about 7am, having a bottle, playing, having some breakfast, nap, then you wake up and we play some more, you have lunch, play, have a bottle and then take another nap, and then after that when you wake up you have dinner, and then you’ll have a bath, bottle and go to bed. When daddy comes home after work, he helps give you dinner, plays with you and usually gives you your bath and bottle. He loves this special “Daddy/Santi” time!

Some mornings we go to Stroller Strides and you are so good sitting in the stroller the whole time. When you get to get out at the end of the class, you are so happy crawling around and meeting all of the other little kids.

You have started cruising around the livingroom while holding on to furniture! And you’ve taken steps! You can now walk independently between Mommy and Daddy, or sometimes between pieces of furniture! We know it won’t be long before you’re running around the house!

Here are some of the things you’re doing this month:

• Taking steps independently!

• Using your push toy and walking around the house with it

• Saying 17 words (agua, mama, dada, mum mum, cheese (sounds like “sheese”), quack quack (cack cack), car, cat, ese (that in Spanish), whoa, whee!, fish (shh), chicken (icken), truck (uck), wawa (water in English), poop (poo-p), peas (dees)

• Standing independently

• Holding your bottle on your own

•Holding your sippy cup on your own

• Taking some sips out of a regular cup

• Wearing size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 nighttime diapers at night

• Wearing size 12 -18 month pants,12-18 month shirts, 12 and 18 month onesies

• Wearing size 4 shoes

• Wearing size 12-18 month hats

• Eating about 4-6 oz per feeding in four bottles a day

We’re really excited for your birthday next month and have truly enjoyed this past year with you. You are such an amazing little boy, and have given us a reason to smile each and every day. We love you so much!

Mommy and Daddy

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