March 30, 2011


I was at Stroller Strides yesterday morning and one of my least favorite people was there. The back story on this woman is that she just generally is always doing something to call attention to herself. Be it chatting about odd things during class, or sharing too much. At the beginning of class we always introduce ourselves, and our kids, and then we usually share one thing. Usually it's something silly like our kid's favorite toy, or our favorite sandwich, or whatever. When it's her turn to "share", she over-shares. As in, for her favorite sandwich, she went into the fact that she doesn't like sandwiches and gave a back story on it. For her favorite Disney movie, she launched into a diatribe about which movies she used to like, her current favorites and her son's favorites and how many times they've all watched them.

So anyway, we were all outside working out, doing wall sits and bicep curls at the same time. This is not a "fun and easy" exercise, so I don't like to talk during it and neither do a lot of the women. Except this woman. Since no one was really replying to her chatter she took to talking to her kids. One of which is 2 and the other is 8 weeks. So the 2 year old looks at her and says "Mama, what are you doing?"

Most of us, if we get this question from our kids while working out would say "Mama's working out." or "Mama's exercising." What does this woman say?

"Mama's doing some work to repair all of the damage you and your brother did to her body."

?? To a two year old? Who repeats almost everything? And you know that's going to come back to her in one way or another. I don't even care what age her kid was - just saying that is pretty bad in my opinion.

I chose to have Santi, and I'm choosing to have another child. I knew going into it that things would change, but the good (having Santi and other kids) outweighed the bad (extra weight, little flap of flab on my belly, 6 inch c-section scar, etc.) Do I wish I could look like the celebrities after they have their babies and c-sections (a.k.a. tummy tucks and lipo?) Sure! But I know that my only way to get things back into shape is through diet and exercise. And I definitely would never blame (even in a joking manner) my child.

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