January 22, 2009

Ok, I've been MIA for a bit. Not a whole lot has been happening. Other than the inauguration (yay Obama!), work, and life in general.

My husband is skiiing this weekend in Whistler. He left this morning. So I'm at work at the crack of dawn because it didn't make sense to go back home after dropping him off at 6am. No one else comes into work for another 1.5 hours. But surprisingly I'm getting a bunch of mundane tasks done.

Because he is gone, I have some time to myself this weekend. Not sure what I'll do with myself though. My younger brother is moving out here next weekend and will be staying with us until he finds a place, so I still have to get the place, his bathroom, etc. ready for him. We're also having a party on February 7th for National Pisco Sour Day. The Pisco Sour is the national drink of Peru (Pisco, a brandy-like liquor made from Muscat grapes being from Peru) where my husband is from, so we're having a party to celebrate. And also celebrate the fact that we have found Pisco at liquor stores here in Seattle! So I am searching for appetizer recipes and will make some grocery runs. I also think I'll be making a trip to Ikea, a place my husband loathes because it's so big. The secret is to go super early or after work...so I'm heading down tomorrow after work. Got to get some organizational items (magazine holders) and some plants. And maybe a new coffee table. :)

My brother in law and sister in law are coming to visit us in mid-March. We're super excited and can't wait to see them, show them around Seattle and maybe head up to Vancouver or Victoria, BC. Hopefully the weather won't be so crappy then...and the sun will come out occasionally? Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Me said...

Pisco Sour day??? I think you guys just want any excuse to party.

How exciting your brother is moving here! You must be soooo thrilled.