March 29, 2013


I had a rare evening out to myself tonight. Tito came home and I took off. I rarely get times like this to myself so I took full advantage and did some things I haven't done in awhile - like take a leisurely walk around Home Goods and TJ Maxx for inspiration. Normally I go to these stores with two kids in tow and have to spend my time entertaining them, passing out snacks and usually have a time limit of about 20-30 mins tops to get my stuff done. No window shopping. No looking things over. If its clothing there's usually no time to try things on, so I buy and return if it doesn't fit.

But tonight I had three glorious hours to myself and took my time, looked things over, dreamt of what I would buy if I had all the money, and got inspired. I'm really obsessed (check my Pinterest DIY Home Projects and To Make boards for proof) with making our house more homey. And doing some painting and character building. So I'm always pinning things. Tonight I pinned in real life, but also browsed the canisters (I'm also getting ready for a major clean out/organization of my pantry, so stay tuned for photos of that!)

I found these three lamps and was inspired (the pink one I thought would be easy enough to do something similar as a DIY, the brown quatrefoil would look great as bedside lamps in my master bedroom, and the blue chevron looks so fun! There must have been a reason there was only one of those. Too cute!)

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