March 10, 2013

Feeling Crafty

I've had a long while since I've felt the urge to do something really crafty. But my cousin just had a little boy and I needed to get a couple of things out to her including some cute little outfits for her little man.

So I holed up in my craft room (aka my master bedroom closet where I have my craft stuff) to sew a couple of things for the baby. I wanted to make a taggie blanket, since I made one for Gaby and she loves it, as well as I've made a couple for friends kids and they love them too. And I also wanted to make a smaller taggie crinkle toy for him. I wanted to attempt putting a letter "M" on it in a different fabric as well for his name (Michael) but hadn't ever done that before so it'd be a first for me. I'd gone to Hobby Lobby and picked out a cute blue and brown fabric that would match with the light green of the minky fabric I'd picked out for the taggie toy.

I sketched out the "M" and then just zig zag stitched it to the front piece, then followed the tutorial from this blog (Domestic Charm) which I'd found on Pinterest. These blankets are super easy to make, but I always refer back to the tutorial just as check when making them since I don't make them all the time. For the taggie toy I also place some cellophane and batting inside so it was squishy and crinkly.

And here's the final products:

I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out for me not being a super sewer. I had issues with my sewing machine while sewing (the thread from the main spool running through the needle kept breaking) so it took me about an hour to put both of these together since I had to keep stopping and rethreading the needle. But thankfully, they all turned out, and I'll be able to pack these up along with the other baby goodies and mail them out to her this week!

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