Dear Gabriela:
You are a YEAR OLD! We are amazed at
how fast this year has flown by and we’ve had so much fun getting to know you
and having you as a part of our family! You’ve really completed our lives!
You are still crawling and scooting
everywhere and are SO FAST! We have fun chasing you and having you chase us.
You’ve also started pulling up! It took a few days to master but now that you
have you pull up on everything. And you’ve gotten daring and just drop to the
ground when you want to move to a new spot!
You started using a straw when we
gave it to you! We were amazed that you mastered this skill so early, but it
makes our lives a bit easier since we don’t need to bring a special sippy cup
for you if we’re out.
You’ve also kept on feeding yourself
independently as well as you can eat the fruit squeezes by yourself. You have a
hard time with letting us feed you with a spoon now but we still manage it.
Your Mama Lupe came to visit from
Peru and you spent 6 weeks with her and Santi playing and having fun! You
really like spending time with her and she loved spending time with you!
Here are some more things that
you’re doing:
- Drinking from a straw. You’ve also asked to drink from an open cup and have been successful about 80% of the time. You need us to hold the cup but you can take small sips that way.
- Pulling up onto everything. Walls, doors, the train table, couches, etc. You really like pulling up and seeing the new world around you.
- Still love to dance. Anytime music comes on you start bouncing up and down to the beat. It’s pretty cute and you’re actually in rhythm about 99% of the time!
- We aren’t sure but we think you might have a dairy allergy since your diaper rash got worse when you drank it so we switched you to soy milk and it seems to be a bit better although you occasionally break out in a hive type rash on your face after you’ve drank it.
- Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and taking a sippy cup of 4-6oz of soy milk 2-3 times a day
- Wearing size 6 month, 9 month and 6-12 month clothes
- Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
- Wearing size 1-2 shoes
- Weighing in at 17 lbs
We are so lucky to have you as our
daughter and so happy you have had a great year! We have some big plans for
this year (a trip to Maine and Massachusetts, lots of visits to some new play
spaces in the area, and a music class for you as well as maybe swimming
lessons.) We know you’re weeks away from walking, and once you start, there’s
no looking back! Thank you for being such a joy this past year, and we’re
excited for the future with you!
Mommy and Daddy
Here are some photos:

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