February 25, 2013

Gaby's 11 month letter


Dear Gabriela:

You are now 11 months old! The whole year has gone by so quickly, and we’re so happy we’ve gotten to spend this time with you!

You had a wonderful Christmas, including your first trip to see Santa Claus. You were happy until we sat you on his lap, and then you just cried. Mama knew she should comfort you but couldn’t resist snapping a few photos of you crying in his lap. You’ll like having them someday!

You have started crawling and scooting. If you have something that is closeby to you, you will scoot to it on your bum (or if you’re holding something in your hands) but otherwise you will crawl. You’ve gotten really fast and have started chasing Santi and the cats around the house. Santi thinks it’s great, but the cats seem annoyed that you can move now!

You are able to take a sippy cup in your hands, as well as feed yourself independently with finger foods. You still like some pureed foods but we’ve moved you up to oatmeal with bananas, applesauce and macaroni and cheese among other things. You seem to try everything at least once.

You’re still super attached to me. You prefer me over anyone else and Daddy is a close second but I’m still your first choice, which makes me happy as I love holding you and cuddling with you.

Here are some more things that you’re doing:
  • You can find Santi when we ask you where he is. You will smile or point at him and he thinks this is pretty great too.
  • Getting braver and braver with your crawling. Chasing the cats and Santi everywhere.
  • Working on using a spoon. You like to hold one and occasionally try to use it when we are feeding you with another spoon.
  • Still working on pulling up. You’re not quite strong enough yet, but we know it’s coming!
  • Dancing to all types of music. You got a puppy that plays music and a computer for Christmas from your grandparents and you love dancing to the ABC song on both of them as well as a “song about you” where it spells out your name!
  • Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and taking a sippy cup of 4-6oz of formula 3 times a day
  • Wearing size 6 month and 6-12 month clothes
  • Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
  • Wearing size 1-2 shoes
  • Weighing in at almost 16 lbs
Next month marks your 1 year birthday and we’re so excited to celebrate with you! We’ve had so much fun getting to know you and your personality and can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us!

Mommy and Daddy

 Here's some photos of you at 11 months old:


Meeting Santa...not happy

Playing in her doll stroller on Christmas morning

With Mama Lupe


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