April 19, 2012

Hard day

So today was hard. Like really hard. Santi and Gaby both woke up an hour and a half before they normally do. Normally, I can get Santi to stay in his crib until 8am while I lounge and wake up in bed with Gaby while I nurse her. No such luck today. He cried until I came in to get him. And then we were all up for the day at that point.

Then Gaby wouldn't stop crying. I nursed her and she stopped. But afterwards, she just kept crying. I rocked her, changed her diaper, rocked her again, put her in the bouncy chair, rocked the bouncy chair. That seemed to work, but the problem was I wasn't able to move even an inch from her as she needed the constant motion to keep her quiet. And she wasn't sleeping, just sitting in the bouncy chair not crying. But not sleeping.

So I didn't eat breakfast. I made Santi's breakfast (Nutrigrain bar, strawberry slices, cheese and a few Fruit Loops in an attempt to get him to eat) while Gaby cried (cause Santi needed to eat.) I put Gaby in the carrier and wore her around. She stopped crying, so I put her down and she started again. So I rocked her in the bouncer and she stopped crying but refused to sleep. Santi, in the meantime, seemed to think that crying was what we were supposed to do today. He started crying about the strawberries he didn't want. So I went to take them away and he cried because he wanted them. But he wanted to eat them with a fork. So I brought him a fork and he cried about the one I brought him. So I took it away and he cried because of that. He ate some strawberries and asked to get down. So I got him down and he cried to sit back in his highchair. Tried to distract him by showing him the blueberry muffins I was making him, and he cried about that. Gah!

I finally calmed him down after about 20 minutes by putting on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Normally we don't watch it except for maybe one episode before lunch, but I was desperate. And I was able to calm Gaby down by rocking her, changing her diaper again and nursing her again. I made Santi's lunch which he actually ate some of (while watching tv) and put him up for a nap. He didn't fall asleep until 1.5 hours after I put him up there. And Gaby cried/squirmed the whole time until I changed her again and fed her again. She's now sleeping (she's been down for about 10 minutes) in her bouncy chair while I rock her. If I stop rocking her she will wake up (I've tried.)

So today is a day I'd like a reset on. Or actually, a fast forward to get through it and into tomorrow. Thankfully not all of the days are like this.

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