April 24, 2012

Pinterest Challenge Part I

So if you remember in this post here, I've decided to do a Pinterest Challenge, and actually make some of the things that are pinned on my boards. For April, even though it was close to the end of the month, I decided to pick an easy garlic chicken recipe and a painting. The night I posted the challenge, I actually decided to make the chicken, since I had all of the ingredients on hand and it seemed quick and easy.

So here's the photo of what the brown sugar, and garlic "sauce" looked like on the chicken before it was cooked.

And here's the after it's cooked. Not burnt, just caramelized basically. The verdict from my husband and son? Delicious! It was awesome! And so easy to make! The sauce took about 3 minutes to make and then I cooked the chicken for about 40 minutes (the recipe says 15-30 but it calls for chicken breasts and I only had thighs on hand.)

We will definitely be adding this to our repertoire. And it's a quick and easy meal. I paired it with some couscous and broccoli and it was a great meal. And a little wine for mama. :)

April 20, 2012

Pinterest Challenge!

So I've been on Pinterest for about 7 months now. While I was pregnant, I used it as a way to entertain myself, and plan the future projects I'd be doing for my future child. When we learned we were having a girl, I used it to pin ideas for her nursery. But mostly, it was a distraction. I never actually did any of the things that I pinned. No recipes were made, no craft projects begun. Gaby's nursery did come together, but with the elaborate ideas I'd pinned left on that pin board. And still, I keep pinning. And I'm sick of it. Recently, I went through my pins and cleaned out the duplicates, and realized I'd really never done anything with Pinterest other than dream.

So I set aside a goal - to complete one craft project from my existing pin boards and one recipe a month. Now if I do more than that, then I'd be thrilled, but I'm starting small, in the hopes that starting with something once a month, it'll add up to more than that. And then I'll really be using Pinterest, not just dreaming about using it.

My plan is to do this for the next year. That way, my family will benefit from new meals, and my house will benefit from craft/DIY projects. And hopefully, my DIY list will benefit from this as well (and I can cross things off, but also add to it!)

My first crafty project I've chosen is this one:

The painting, not the other stuff. We are in desperate need of something to hang over our bed, so I'm thinking I could do something. The tutorial is here, and it seems simple enough!

The recipe I've chosen is this one:


This is an easy garlic chicken recipe. We eat a lot of chicken in this house and are always looking for new ways to prepare it. The original recipe is here in case you'd like to try it too!

I hope to also add in some organizational projects and outdoor projects too as the spring progresses and summer comes, which I'll document on here as well.

So I hope you'll all follow my Pinterest Challenge and maybe engage in a challenge of your own too...to stop dreaming about what you'll do and actually do it!