January 1, 2011

A little late but...Santi's 9 month letter


Dear Santiago:

You are now nine months old! You have now officially been out of my belly for as long as you were in it!

You’re crawling all over the place! You’ve started to crawl on your knees but only for a few seconds. You’ll get it though, and we won’t know what to do with you when you’re moving so quickly!

You made your first international flight for our trip to Peru! You did great on the flight and slept really well, even though the crew kept turning the lights on and you had a diaper blow out in the middle of some bad turbulence!

You play peekaboo and get the concept of the game. You’ll play on your own and start laughing when you’re staring at us even if we’re not looking at you. You also love to play “Where’s Santi?” where Mommy looks for you even if you’re right there. When she “finds” you, you always let out a big laugh!

You have 8 teeth now. The top two are coming in more and more even though you have a big gap between them! So you have four teeth on the top and four teeth on the bottom.

You’ve gotten quite the stubborn personality too – we wonder where you get that from? When you don’t like something, you definitely let us know. You’re starting to express yourself more although you don’t have the words for it all, so you tend to scratch, grab and sometimes bite to get our attention. We’re working on helping you communicate better though.

Here are some of the things you’re doing this month:

• Crawling more and more

• Taking steps when people hold your arms up

• Babbling and recognizing us when we are in the room and babbling Mamama for Mommy and Bababa for Daddy

• Communicating when you’re hungry or thirsty by consistently signing “milk” and “eat”

• Standing more steadily

• Laughing big belly laughs when you’re having fun

• Saying “Oh” and “Woah” when things surprise you

• Wearing size 4 diapers

• Wearing size 6-12 month pants, 6-12 month shirts, 12 month onesies

• Wearing size 3 shoes

• Wearing size 6-12 month hats

• Eating about 6 oz per feeding in four bottles a day

• On formula only

• Going to sleep on your own when we put you down awake. You will fall asleep after about 10 minutes of “talking” and moving around. When you crash, you crash hard and sleep hard

We’re loving spending time with you and learning about you every day. You amaze us with what you can do and learn. There are things that you “get” that really astound us and we are excited to see what else you’ll learn this month!

Mommy and Daddy

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