January 15, 2011

I can't believe it but we have a 10 month old as of today! Hard to believe but 10 months ago, I had just welcomed our little boy to the world and he was now in the NICU, trying to have his bacterial infection diagnosed. He spent two very long weeks in the NICU and then finally came home to us. He hasn't ceased to amaze us every moment that he's been home.

I owe a photo and a proper update but as of now:

  • He has 8 teeth, 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top
  • He's practicing his walking and prefers to have someone hold his hands and walk him all the time
  • He's still army crawling although occasionally will do a crawl on his knees
  • He has three words! He says "Mum Mum" for his favorite rice husk crackers, he says "Ma Ma" for me and "Da Da" for Tito
  • He loves chasing the cats around the house be it crawling, walking with help or in his walker toy
  • He's very opinionated and has my stubborn streak. If he doesn't want a particular food he will let you know.
  • He can consistently sign "more" and "milk" and is almost there with "all done" and when he wants food, he will open and close his mouth like a fish. :)
We love him so much and it grows every day. He's an amazing, fun, crazy, goofy, loving, caring, gentle, kind, sweet, happy, serious, thoughtful little boy.

I spent part of today picking out paper and decorations for his 1st birthday party. I can't believe it's almost been a year. Amazing.

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