July 16, 2010

Santi's four month letter


Dear Santiago:

You are now four months old! The time is flying and you are growing so fast! We are constantly amazed at the things you can do every day!

You have started to try and roll over from your back to your front. You get about half way…we’re just waiting for the day when you roll all the way over by yourself! You still haven’t rolled from your front to your back but we know it’s coming soon too!

You’re still smiling all the time, and now have started finding us when we’re in the room. Mommy needs to leave the room if someone else is feeding you because you will find her and stare at her and not eat! You have also started to laugh a little bit…your laugh is so cute and tiny…we can’t wait to hear a big belly laugh from you though.

Here are some of the things you’re doing this month:

• Grabbing your round rattle and bringing it to your mouth

• You've gotten the hang of Sophie the giraffe and spend a lot of time chewing on her face, legs and feet!

• Laughing

• Gazing at us

• Lifting your legs up more when you’re lying on your back

• “Talking” to us more and more!

• Wearing Size 3 diapers

• Wearing size 3-6 month pants, 3-6 month shirts, some 9 month shirts and 6 month onesies

• Wearing size 1 shoes

• Wearing size 3-6 month hats

• Eating about 4-6 oz per feeding

• Loving music and “dancing”

• You have great head control and your back muscles are getting so strong. Mommy can now hold you on her hip and you don’t tip back and enjoy looking out to see the world

• Playing with your hands more and more

• Sucking on your fingers and left thumb

• Still sleeping through the night!

• Napping about 3-4 times a day with your longest nap being your nap at 12-1pm

• Love the water – mommy took you to the pool for the first time and you loved it! Even though the water was cold you let her dip you in up to your waste a bunch of times and smiled!

You’ve had a great month, and are getting so big and strong! We can’t wait to see how you change this next month!

Mommy and Daddy

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