June 1, 2010

We had a great weekend. We went to Portland, and left Friday morning. Santiago did GREAT on the drive down! He basically slept the whole way...well until about 10 minutes outside of the city, and I managed to keep him entertained even though he was hungry so that he wasn't too upset in the car until we were able to get him to the hotel and feed him.

The weather could have been better. It was raining all the way down to Portland which made for some scary driving. Our hotel was great. Very cute, very boutiquey. They had a complimentary town car service into the city which unfortunately we couldn't take advantage of with the baby (took us a bit in the room to figure out that we couldn't use that service!) We were only about a 5 minute drive from the center of the city though so we just drove in and parked at the Smart lots and walked around. We went to OMSI (more for Tito and I), the Chinese Garden, attempted Voodoo Donuts but since it was Sunday morning there was a line around the block and Santi was getting antsy so we left. We also just walked around the Pioneer Square area, and went to Powells. All in all it was a great little trip.

Here are a few photos:

All packed and ready to leave

Yay! We're in Portland!

Heading out after dinner

Santi with a Mars rover at OMSI

Santi showing off his newest skill - grabbing and holding onto things!

My two guys - I love this photo

In the Chinese Garden

Chinese Garden

Santi is great. He has pretty much gotten on a schedule and goes to bed between 7:30pm and 8pm every night. He sleeps until about 4:30am, and then we'll put him back and he will sleep until about 6:30am. After that he has been falling asleep on me for about another hour or two, which I'm enjoying. :) He takes about three naps a day (9:30am, after noon, and at about 4pm or 5pm.)

He's taking one bottle of milk a day (in addition to regular breast feeding) which we mix his vitamins with. We're trying to keep him interested in the bottle and the breast since I'll be going back to work soon and he had a bit of trouble when we went off the bottle for about a week and then reintroduced it. So we've got him back on track with the bottles.

He's developing his own little personality, loves smiling, recognizes us when we are in the room, recognizes and loves staring at himself in the mirror, and is thisclose to laughing. He'll smile really big and makes a laughing face but no sound comes out right now. I can't wait for those baby giggles! He's also cooing up a storm. I'm so in love with him and it gets stronger every day.

He's got a follow up on July 17th with the docs at UW since he is considered a high risk baby, because of his infection, the 14 day NICU stay and the fact that the antibiotics that they gave him have the possibility of damaging his hearing. Also they are checking him neurologically because they thought that he had meningitis for a bit when he was in the NICU and some of the meds they gave to him at the time could cause neurological/developmental issues. I think he is fine (his hearing is very good, and he has a great startle reflex) and he's hitting all of his developmental milestones on time/early. But I won't feel 100% ok about things until we've been given the all clear from the docs.

I go back to work in 27 days. I am excited to get back to work and using my mind for something other than the routine with Santi, but I know I'm going to miss him. I know it'll be hard but I'm going to be very busy so the days will fly by.

I actually have feeling back in my stomach below my belly button again! I noticed it the other day and was so happy! It had basically been numb since the c-section because they cut the nerves down there, and I'd heard there was a possibility that it might not come back at all. But I'm glad it did, because it really creeped me out! Now I need to work on shrinking the belly....

I joined Weight Watchers online the other day. And I did 30 Day Shred today for the first time in over a year. Wowza. I am going to feel it tomorrow! My goal is to be more toned and hopefully 10 lbs lighter (which was what I was trying to do before I got pregnant) by Santiago's baptism when we'll have family in town. That's July 24th, so I've got just about two months. I think I can do it.

I also have been noticing a pain in my back, kind of in the middle. It hurt when Tito was rubbing my back one night and now I notice it hurts to lay on, even on soft surfaces like our bed. When I thought about it, it's exactly where they put in the epidural. Like a bruise, but it's been almost 12 weeks since I got the epidural, so I doubt there's still a bruise there now? So I'm going to go to the doctor and get it checked out just in case.

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