June 16, 2010

Guess who...

Is three months old?

Thought I'd share some photos of my cute little guy:

Hanging out in Mill Creek headed for a walk

Out for dinner enjoying "summer" - the one day we have had so far!

With Dad at Green Lake

At three months Santi is:

* "Talking" more - lots of coos, oohs, squeals, etc.

* Loving tummy time and able to lift his head up for longer periods of time

* Loves being able to look out and around when I'm holding him and when he's in the stroller

* Sleeping through the night! (Actually he has since about 2 months.) We put him down at about 6:30-7:30pm and he sleeps through until 6am or later (this morning was 6:30am.)

* Quickly outgrowing his bouncy seat and swing and car seat. I have no idea what I will do when he outgrows his bouncy seat - this is my lifeline for taking a shower right now

* Smiling all the time (when he's not crying) :)

* Recognizing Tito and I and when we're not in site of him

* Taking "cat naps" throughout the day. (about 20-30 mins each. But at this point since he's sleeping straight through the night I'm not complaining!) :)

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