June 18, 2010


Life has a funny way of working out, doesn't it? Three months ago, we had plans for a natural delivery, but ended up attempting an induction after being admitted to the hospital with preeclampsia.

Then after the induction failed, due to the fact that my contractions were too close together and my baby wasn't tolerating them, I ended up with a c-section to welcome my beautiful little boy into the world.

We thought things were fine, and then he ended up with an infection and had to be admitted to the NICU, where he stayed for the next 14 days until they were able to get the bacillus cereus bacteria out of his system. In the meantime, as I was recovering from my c-section, I had a set back in the form of a hematoma that was over 1000 cc's in size (that's a liter of blood people!) I ended up having emergency surgery to clamp off and eventually remove what turned out to be an arterial bleed.

After the surgery, my incision was left open, I was given a wound vac for the next week, and then eventually stitched up and sent home. Three days later, we were able to bring our baby boy home. And things haven't been the same since!

I've worked into a routine as a "housewife"...I wake up, feed the baby, take a shower, change the baby's clothes and diaper, then we usually go off to our Stroller Strides exercise class, come home, I have lunch and the baby has lunch. We will go out for a walk if it's nice, or go and run errands, or stay home and do laundry and clean the house. Around 6pm, Tito comes home and we'll make dinner and put the baby to bed together and then enjoy some time with one another before heading to bed ourselves. In one week, I was set to disrupt this schedule by returning to work.

Due to circumstances that are beyond my control, I will be maintaining my "housewife" schedule longer than anticipated. One one hand, I'm disappointed to not be returning to work, to my profession, and to be able to use my brain in a way other than coming up with songs to sing to my baby, participating in tummy time, and watching him sleep. On the other hand, I'm so grateful for this extra time with him. He's really such a neat little person and I'm loving the time I'm spending with him. He changes everyday, he learns new things everyday, he amazes me everyday. To think this little person was once just a little cluster of cells growing in my body, and now he's a living, breathing, amazing little guy whose smiles make me melt, who is the best "talker" there is out there, and who I know will be laughing for real any day now and we know once he starts, won't be able to stop.

So for now, I'll accept the circumstances, and be thankful for this extra time with my little man. Hopefully someday he'll be better for it. And I know I will be as well.

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