August 13, 2009

Weekly update

Here is a weekly baby update for everyone who is interested in following along. I'm one day off but doing this in the future...I'll officially be 8 weeks tomorrow on Friday (but since it's only 9 hours away I think I'm safe.)

How Far Along: 8 weeks

Weekly Food Comparison: A Kidney Bean

The Good: We saw our little jalapeno's heartbeat and blob-like figure for the first time on Tuesday! It was an amazing experience and we can't wait to see it again in 3.5 weeks!

The Bad: All day nausea is still here. I've been eating every two hours (small meals) but my stomach always feels full.

The Weird: I've been having a few heart palpitations at night, but have learned that this was normal. With my heart history though I couldn't help but feel a little scared about it, but it turns out to be due to the increased blood flow due to the baby.

Currently Craving/Avoiding: Still craving green peppers and cheese. Also still craving hamburgers which is hard for this gal who hasn't been eating red meat in almost two years (but I have indulged in two hamburgers, but haven't been able to finish either.) I'm also drinking more milk than I've ever had in my life. We've gone through two gallons in a week. Avoiding? Chocolate (which is painful), sweets in general. I just don't have a taste for them right now.

The Weekly Belly Bump: Sometimes I feel like it's there, mostly at the end of the day. Most of the time it just feels like bloating. I can feel parts of my stomach already getting hard though which is interesting. Here's from the beginning to now...

3 Weeks (just after finding out I was pregnant)

4 weeks pregnant

6 Weeks Pregnant

7 Weeks Pregnant


Unknown said...

I am noticing a trend in your outfits!

Unknown said...

I know, I take most either in the morning or at night when I come home. And the first thing i do when I come home is put on my stretchy shorts because they're so much more comfy than anything with a button now! :)

Kirsten said...

I hope you're having fun and taking it easy. It's funny, I had heart palpitations, too, when I was pregnant and had to be checked out. At least you know everything is okay. We're thinking of you, Tito, and your little one to be!
Kirsten P.