August 20, 2009

Weekly Update - Week 9

How Far Along: 9 weeks

What "They" Say About Our Baby's Development: "
You can’t feel it yet, but those newly formed arms and legs might just very well start your baby moving during this week. Almost a full inch long and about 1/8 an ounce, your baby is looking every day more and more like a little person. This is helped by the shrinking of the embryonic tail we all start with at the base of the spinal cord. The growth of your baby's head, now almost half the size of his or her body, has been impressive in this time, though babies keep them tucked down close to the chest. This week also sees the beginning of nipples and hair follicles. Internally, reproductive organs, either testes or ovaries, are forming as do other internal organs including the pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder and anus."

Weekly Food Comparison: A Grape (which is strange because I ate grapes for lunch today. Weird that my baby is this size! And amazing how much it's grown in a few short weeks!)

The Good: My hair is looking better and better. :) It feels like it's growing faster and thicker (although I read that I'm actually losing less than normal making it appear thicker.) My nails are also growing in really strong and really fast. I feel like I have to give myself a manicure and pedicure weekly now.

The Bad: Nausea. Still here. All day. And the past week it seems to be worse at night. I barely made it through dinner without getting sick. I'm also exhausted, preferring to come home most nights, eat, then crawl into bed. Last night was the first time in two weeks we watched television in the livingroom, since I'm usually watching it in bed and falling asleep at about 8pm or so.

The Weird: I feel extremely hungry before meals. As if I could eat three meals. I definitely have a case of "my eyes are bigger than my stomach", and will order a big meal and then can barely get 1/4 of it down. Case and point, last weekend, Tito and I went to dinner at a new restaurant who'd sent us a coupon for $15 off our meal (i.e. a free meal!) so we decided to go. I was SO hungry we ordered an appetizer of breadsticks. I ate a couple, then decided to wait until our meals got there so I could eat that. Meals came, and I had ordered a 1/2 lb burger (well done, mind you!) and fries. I cut the burger in half (for ease of eating, because in my mind, I was going to eat the whole thing!) and could only finish about 3/4 of the 1/2 and about 6 fries. And then I was done. So full, I couldn't eat another bite.

Currently Craving/Avoiding:
Avoiding: string cheese sticks. The thought of them makes me nauseous. When a week ago I could have eaten three in a row, now I can't even stand the sight of them in my fridge. I had to put them in a drawer so I wouldn't see them when I opened the fridge. Also still avoiding sweets, except I did have a chocolate milkshake last week.

Craving: Milk (still), water, most liquids without a lot of sugar in them (the sugar makes my stomach upset which is weird to this normally 1-Diet-Coke-A-Day lady. I can't really stomach soda at all.) Grocery shopping is hard because I never know what I'll actually eat.

The Weekly Belly Bump: Definitely getting more prominent. My younger brother Sean was over for dinner last night and I turned to him and said "I'm getting a belly" and his reply was "I wasn't going to say anything but..." It's definitely noticeable to Tito and I though since we see it every day. I've been wearing larger shirts though which cause people in my office to ask if I'm showing. :) I'm thankful that my doctor gave me some new techniques last week on how to give myself my twice a day injections and now my bruises are fading and I just have some tiny red dots around my abdomen. Most are on one side (not the side I photographed!)

9 weeks pregnant

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