October 29, 2008

Monet update...

Saturday morning, we overslept, but thankfully not that much and didn't miss Monet's appointment with the vet. So we brought her in, explained her symptoms (not jumping all of a sudden, seeming she was in a little pain in her hind quarters, etc.) The doc took awhile and examined her, felt her belly for masses, watched her walk, felt her spine, manipulated her legs, etc.

He thinks it's a combination of age (she's only 10), possibly arthritis and that she overplayed with our other cat. He offered to give her a steroid shot, but I turned it down for now considering he wasn't sure if what was wrong with her was muscular. He did give her some "joint juice" pills, which we're giving her twice a day and she is jumping from the floor to the couch (not as high as the bed), so we think it might be soreness from over playing. We're going to keep an eye on her though and see how she is in the next couple of weeks. The good thing is that her personality hasn't changed and she's eating enough.

Last night, we pulled out the heating pad and had her lie on it, and switched her in the middle so she could warm both sides of her lower half. We don't know if it helped, but she LOVED it. She's always searching for warmth anywhere in the house (all winter she'll sit in front of the forced air vents, or she'll get on top of the dryer while it's going to feel the warmth) so I'm sure this heating pad was an added bonus.

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