Dear Gabriela:
You are now 9 months old! Almost a
whole year has passed since you joined our family! You certainly have made your
place in our hearts because we can’t imagine our family without you!
Your personality is shining through
more and more every day. You let us know when you are happy and when you are
angry/sad. Your crying and screaming seems to have gotten louder and more high
pitched, if that was even possible. You’re trying to be more independent and
love to do things like pick up your toys to play with and feed yourself.
Sometimes when I put you into your
car seat you will cry because you’re mad that I’m not holding you. But once you’re
in and I’ve given you your doll or blanket, you are happy. And you will even
laugh at me/with me when I come around to your side again after putting Santi
into his seat.
Overall, you are a very happy and
easy going baby. Once you are comfortable with people, you will let them hold
you, although you’re more apt to let them hold you if I’m not around. Once you
see me, you need to be in my arms.
You managed to lose almost two
pounds between your 6 month appointment and your 9 month appointment at the
pediatrician so we are going back in a couple of weeks to get things checked
out and see what’s going on. In the meantime, I’m piling more table foods and
starchy/high fat foods into you in hopes that it will help you pack on the
You’ve also managed to get a bad
yeast diaper rash. And a skin infection, so we’re giving you medicine, which
unfortunately gives you diarrhea. So you’re not very happy right now when we
change your diapers and have to slather on medicine as well as A&D diaper
rash cream.
Here are some more things that
you’re doing:
- Talking more and more everyday. Right now it’s more babbling, but you do say “Mama” and have started babbling with “d’s” and “b’s” sounds
- Laughing when we tickle you
- “Sharing” your food. You like to take whatever is in your hand and put it out for us to “eat.” We will pretend to eat it which you find hilarious and then you’ll eat it yourself
- Pulling up more and more on us only. You will also hold onto things if we place you against them but we usually need to be right nearby in case you decided to leave
- You will take a few steps if we are holding your hands/arms but not all the time
- Really love being upright in your bouncer
- Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and breastfeeding about 3-4 times a day
- Just started wearing 6 month and 6-12 month size clothes
- Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
- Wearing size 1 shoes
You’re now an international
traveler, and have also visited the pumpkin patch for the first time. We’re
excited to celebrate your first Thanksgiving this month and hope you like
turkey and rolls as much as Santi did his first Thanksgiving!
Mommy and Daddy

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