October 28, 2012

Gaby's 8 month letter

Dear Gabriela:
You are now 8 months old! We celebrated your 8 month birthday in Peru! It was your first international trip and you traveled pretty well down here on the plane. You loved waving to people on the plane and the flight attendants were very helpful in getting you to calm down when you wouldn’t stop crying once.
You love to eat and eat a lot! You’ll usually have about 6-7 ounces of pureed food along with some solid food each meal (usually toast or a waffle or a Mum Mum or crackers.) You are feeding yourself and very independent.
You still won’t crawl but have started to pull yourself up on us. We will hold our hands out and you will grab them and pull yourself up to a standing position from there. But you are really showing no interest in crawling, either from a sitting position or from your tummy. The most you have done is when you’re on your tummy you will turn in circles and then cry.
You love to be in your jumperoo and jump as much as you can. If we put you in your exersaucer you will try to jump but you can’t jump as much in that so you don’t like it as much.
Here are some more things that you’re doing:
  • Getting more comfortable with other people, although you still prefer mommy and daddy (mommy over daddy everytime too.)
  • Rocking back and forth to music when you’re sitting
  • Waving and closing your hand in a “milk” sign even though it’s your way of waving as well
  • Laying all the way forward when you’re sitting
  • Really developing a relationship with Santi and noticing him and reacting to him
  • Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and breastfeeding about 3-4 times a day
  • Wearing 6 month and 6-12 month size clothes
  • Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
  • Napping consistently from 2-4:30 or 5pm everyday, and sometimes with some cat naps in the morning. If we’re home you’ll nap from about 10am-12pm
You did great in your flying and trip to Peru. All of your family was so happy to meet you and to celebrate you for your baptism! They all can’t wait until we are back again! You’ve changed so much and we’re excited for this next month and what it brings!
Mommy and Daddy

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