February 19, 2012

More Gaby

So I'll do a picture post of my little girl...she's truly a joy. She's now almost 3 weeks old, and although she's having some sleep issues (she was sleeping in her pack and play, for the first 1.5 weeks, and then decided she didn't want to do that. Now she will sleep in her bouncy chair, sometimes in the swing and prefers sleeping on me. Either with me sitting up (makes it impossible for me to sleep comfortably), or in the crook of my arm while I'm laying down in bed.

We didn't want to co-sleep but apparently our daughter had other plans. I've been nervous about the SIDS risks since our bed is soft. So we take our pillows and push them off to the sides of the bed, and then put the covers down so they don't come up farther than our hips, and then put her in my arm while she's swaddled.

For one night, she slept in a sleep positioner in between us successfully. But the next night she decided she didn't like that. And we don't want to have her sleep in her bouncy chair all night if we don't have to because we don't want her to get dependent on this for sleeping/soothing. Same thing with the swing, especially since the swing is essentially a hard plastic shell covered by some fabric, so I worry about her getting a flat head from her sleeping in there for too long.So my arms is actually the best place for her to sleep, despite the fact that I'm not getting the best sleep. But in the grand scheme of things, it's a short amount of time, so hopefully she'll learn to like her crib sometime soon.

She also loves to be worn in the Moby wrap, and I'm hoping to get an Ergo or Beco so I can wear her for longer amounts of time and have more back support. I went to the mall today and wore her (since we don't have a stroller for her yet!) in the Moby and she fell asleep from the minute I put her in there. She woke for a second and I gave her the pacifier (another thing different from Santi aside from the sleeping, since he was a pro sleeper from early on, is that she likes the pacifier. He never did, so we never had to worry about weaning him from it. She likes it, although we use it sparingly, hoping this will help when we do have to wean her in the future!)

So here are some photos of our peanut (she was 5lbs, 12oz at birth, dropped to 5lbs, 4oz when we left the hospital, and is now 6lbs, 3oz and finally out of preemie clothes!)

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa at the hospital
 In her car seat ready to go home!

So teeny!

 At home

Gaby (still a little jaundiced), Santi and Mommy
Her first bath
Kisses from her big brother

Santi holding her

 At the hospital

 Welcome home!

Finally home!

 Santi checking out "baby sister"

 Teeny foot!

 Smaller than Santi's Mickey Mouse!

 Grandma and Grandpa with their grandchildren

More besitos from big brother!

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