August 15, 2010

So we have decided to do baby led weaning, which basically means, when Santi is interested in solid foods, we'd let him try it. So for the past two weeks, he's been showing TONS of interest in what we're eating, i.e. trying to grab our food, watching us while we eat with intensity, and trying to grab cups from us if we drink while holding him. So we decided that on his 5 month birthday we'd allow him to have rice cereal.

We were very excited about this event, and a little sad too - it means our "little baby" is no longer little and is a bigger baby. But exciting because we're watching him grow and change all the time!

So we mixed up the rice cereal with some breast milk tonight and weren't sure what would happen...we weren't prepared for how much he loved it! In fact, we couldn't get it in him fast enough it seems!

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