December 30, 2008

My New Year's resolutions...

Since the end of the year is near, I've been thinking about my new year's resolutions. Since I hardly ever keep them, I thought that I would try really hard this year, but also give myself more attainable goals.

So here are my 2009 New Year's resolutions:

1. Go to the gym at least two times a week - since I've been going more than this, I figured this would give me something to live up to. Plus if I go more, I'm a super star and if I go just the two times that accounts for times when I'm not feeling great or whatever.

2. Kick caffeine out of my system - stop drinking Diet Coke basically. I'm working on it and down to no more than one a day (after that I feel yucky) and usually drink no more than three a week.

3. Get pregnant, or at least try! I figure a year is a good amount of time to try at this and then if it still hasn't happened by then, then we'll take an alternative route!

4. Menu plan - and stick to it. We are about 40% on this. And lately we've become lazy and do a lot of Subway for dinner or random crap that isn't healthy.

5. Save money - to go along with #3, getting pregnant for me = no paycheck when out on maternity leave. Therefore I have to save as much as I can now and budget and stretch things so I can be comfortable then.

6. Pay off credit cards - this is an easy one, as they'll 100% be paid off on January 15 in my next paycheck. But hey, it's still in 2009! :) From then on I'm a cash only gal!

7. Spend more time with friends and family - we're already planning on going back to see my parents and brothers in June for my older brother's wedding (more about that later), to Houston for a friend's wedding in July, and then to Peru in December for Christmas again. We're hoping that if I get pregnant, I'll either be 6 months or under for the Peru trip or have had the baby, as I don't think my cardiologist, and perinatologist would allow me to fly 15 hours to another country at 7 or 8 months pregnant with a heart condition. Something tells me that would be a big no-no in their minds.

8. Get a new place! We're currently looking, although Tito doesn't want to move until we need to (i.e. have to because I'm pregnant and we need the third room.) So hopefully we'll be moving this year! :)

9. Eat better - goes along with #4 and menu planning. If I plan it, I'll eat it rather than shoving just anything in my mouth (the other night I had cheese and crackers for dinner - not exactly healthy.)

10. Recycle more - the fact that they haven't picked the garbage up in 2.5 weeks has made me realize that Tito and I produce a lot of trash. 3 bags on average in a week for just the two of us and the cats. So I'm really working on getting a recycling set up that works...right now we have just paper, but don't really recycle cans/bottles/plastic/glass because our complex only has one "recycling" bin but it's just for paper.

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