December 2, 2008


Ok, I'm back from Mexico for 3 days now, and I'm FREEZING in my office. The thermostat says it's 72 in's SO not. I can't feel my fingers, as they've gone numb. And even though my window is closed, I swear I feel a breeze. Hopefully it's just a chill in the air and not ghosts since my office is in an old church! :)

Maybe my blood got really thin being in Mexico...I live for warmth, and was actually pleasantly surprised when it was in the mid-50's yesterday, and this morning on my walk to the bus stop, I had to unbutton my jacket because I was getting a little hot. Now I freeze INSIDE! Isn't it supposed to be warmer inside rather than out?

1 comment:

Me said...

It was 48 degrees inside our house the other day. Being cold is the WORST feeling, especially when you're trying to work. I wish they made thin gloves that you could use during the day and still type. Haven't found any that don't get in the way of the keyboard.