December 18, 2008

So it's snowing right now in Seattle...the most it's snowed in the past three years I've lived here. We've got about 4 inches at my house and it's still snowing. I ventured out this morning at about 11am to go to the supermarket 1/2 mile from my house and get some food and stamps. The roads haven't been plowed and are full of slush which is sure to freeze tonight and make tomorrow morning's commute fun. I worked from home yesterday and am today as well, and if it's bad tomorrow, I'll work from home then as well. And we're supposed to get more snow on Sunday! Hopefully I'll be able to get out and about on Saturday though because I don't like being trapped in the house for that long.

I keep trying to get photos on here but for some reason Blogger isn't working...hopefully I'll be back later to post!


Sunflowers said...

I heard it snowed down here (in SoCal) too... in Malibu, of all places. (They get all the bad stuff - fires, landslides, snow...) I believe it; it was the coldest it's been in, well, forever yesterday! Where's global warming when you need it?

Me said...

Ok at first I thought you wrote you needed to go to the supermarket for food stamps! My speed reading eye missed the "and". Glad to see that's not the case! Oh how I LOVE THIS SNOW!! I'm home bound as well. There's no way my car would even make it down the driveway.

Stay warm and snuggly!