Dear Gabriela:
You are now 10 months old! We can’t
believe in two short months you will be a year old! You really light up our
lives and we are so thankful for you!
You experienced your first
Halloween, trick or treating (you loved it and were a cute little ladybug!)
Thanksgiving, tried turkey (you weren’t a fan), and have seen your first
Christmas tree all in the last month. You weren’t a fan of the tree at first,
but now you like to wave at it and smile when the lights are on.
You are getting very independent
when it comes to eating. I’d say you’re more independent than Santi was at this
age. You love feeding yourself, and some of your favorites are toast/bread,
crackers, Mum Mums, Cheerios, puffs, and banana slices. You can hold your sippy
cup but haven’t figured out you need to tip it up to get the liquid out quite
You’ve started (finally!) taking a
sippy cup, but only the special one that we got from Children’s Hospital when
we went for your feeding evaluation. And you will only drink the most expensive
organic formula and only if it’s mixed with a banana. So we make you a banana “smoothie”
as we call it three times a day and since we’ve been doing that you have been
drinking about 16-18 oz of formula a day. We did all of this because you weren’t
getting enough fluids before and even though you were nursing, you weren’t
getting enough, so we decided to try supplementing. Your weight had dropped two
pounds in a two month period, and we’re happy that it looks like you’re gaining
weight again!
Unfortunately, because you like the
sippy cup and formula so much, it looks like our nursing relationship is done.
While I’m a little sad about this, I’m happy that I was able to nurse you for
10 months, and I know you have gotten a lot of health benefits because of it. And
you are such a mama’s girl, I know we will still get our snuggle and bonding
time in without the nursing.
Here are some more things that
you’re doing:
- Showing excitement when you see something you like. It’s especially funny when you see the container of puffs or your sippy cup being prepared as you start giggling and smiling and will sometimes clap
- Still giving us big belly laughs when we tickle you or do something that you think is funny
- You play “hide your foot” with Daddy, where he pretends to try and eat your foot when you stick it up over the tray of your high chair. Right when he gets to your foot, you will yank it down and then put it back when he backs away. You are usually giggling the whole time he is doing this.
- Scooting ALL over the place. The other day I put you down in front of the kitchen so I could see you and got distracted and when I turned around a few minutes later you had scooted all the way to the front door. You looked pretty pleased that you’d made it that far!
- Still working on pulling up. You’re not quite strong enough yet, but we know it’s coming!
- You love music and “dancing” – your favorite song is still “Bounce Your Baby” by Caspar Babypants. Whenever it comes on you start moving all over the place!
- Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and taking a sippy cup of 4-8oz of formula 3 times a day
- Wearing size 6 month and 6-12 month clothes
- Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
- Wearing size 1 shoes
- Weighing in at almost 16 lbs
We are excited that you will
celebrate your first Christmas this month! It will be fun to see what you like
and don’t like…we’re wondering if you will like Santa or if he will scare you,
and what you will make of opening presents on Christmas morning.
Thank you for making our past month
interesting, fun, and for continuing to be a light in our lives!
Mommy and Daddy

Seeing the tree for the first time... :)

Trying out pig tails for the first time!

Trying out hanging on to stuff

Out to lunch and having some bunny crackers

Love those eyelashes!
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