February 22, 2011


So I've now officially been a stay at home mom for three weeks. Well, technically, only for about two days really, since Tito's mom was here helping out until this past Sunday. But since then, it's been Santi and I, day in and day out. Our days are pretty full right now actually.

Santi gets up at about 7am, we have some milk, and then he plays for about an hour and then I make him breakfast. After he finishes, either we'll go to work out at my Stroller Strides class or he'll nap. If we go to Stroller Strides, he doesn't nap until 11am when we get back. Sometimes he'll fall asleep in the car. After nap he gets lunch, and then plays and then we'll either go out for a walk, or run errands or have the occasional play date. He takes a second nap around 3pm, and then he wakes up at about 4:30pm or 5pm, and will play while I make dinner. Tito's home around 6pm and we'll feed Santi (and us) and then give him a bath and he's in pj's, had a bottle and story and in bed by 7pm. We've been told we're lucky that we basically have from 7pm until the morning with a sleeping kid. We definitely are happy he sleeps through the night and wakes up a happy little guy in the morning, even though I'd prefer 8am wakeups, but I won't be picky!

I owe an 11 month letter, but can't believe my guy will be a year old in a few short weeks! Here are a few recent photos:

Ready for Stroller Strides class! All bundled up!

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