November 3, 2010

San Diego recap - Day 4

On the 4th day in San Diego, we decided to head to SeaWorld. It was another super hot day (close to 100 degrees) so we were prepared with our water and our spray bottle!

We got there right when the park opened so we were treated to seeing the flamingos being herded through the park!

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea...

With the polar bear

In the arctic

We chose this polar bear to come home with us!

Dolphin show which I watched alone because it was too hot for Santi to sit in the sun

Pilot whales

After the dolphin show we headed over to see the Shamu show. By the time we got there there were no shaded areas available, so we ended up going into this covered walkway which is the handicap viewing area. We stood in front of a crack in the wall where there was a breeze coming through.

Santi with his spray fan - he loved it!

After the show - ok boys, give me confident!

It was so hot we stripped him down to his onesie. He finally fell asleep!

While Santi slept we went into the Living Ocean exhibit to soak up some air conditioning!

So hot and sweaty!

We also hit up the penguin exhibit because it had AC!

We managed to score seats in the shade for the Pets Rule show - Santi loved the birds that flew overhead!


As we were getting ready to leave for the day we got lost in the park trying to find the exit. I looked up at one point and saw Elmo and Big Bird sitting on a stage in a meet and greet. With no line. Since it was Monday the park wasn't super busy, and I pulled Santi out of the stroller and was up on the stage before Tito even knew what was happening. I tossed him the camera and told him to snap away!

After a couple of shots, the lady taking the official photos asked me if I wanted to have some shots of Santi alone with Elmo - a nice hint to "get out of the shot lady!" :)

Santi LOVED Elmo. We don't let him watch tv but occasionally I've put up a few Elmo videos on YouTube for him or on my Ipod. He always smiles when he sees Elmo. So when he saw a life size version, he started smiling and giggling and then grabbed onto Elmo's fur and wouldn't let go (as evidenced in the above photo!)

Back in the hotel with his own Elmo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice photos.
Your son is adorable!