May 4, 2010

I've been MIA for a bit because my parents have been in town visiting and spending time with Santiago and Tito and I. We've enjoyed their visit and I think they've fallen in love with Santi. :) It's pretty hard not to.

I will post photos soon, but wanted to share a few things about our little guy:

  • He's almost 2 months old (officially two months on the 15th!)
  • He's smiling real smiles now, on his own and in response to seeing us smile
  • He's now officially crying with tears. This breaks my heart to see. It started happening today and I cried along with him. His face killed me. He has the biggest frown/pouty lip and his eyes welled up with tears. Then he cried a bit more and I think scared himself with the fact that he was "leaking" and cried more!
  • He's standing up on his own a lot! (With my help supporting him under his arms of course!)
  • He's getting better head control
  • He's discovered the play gym and loves it. I can usually leave him for about 20 minutes or so and he's happy as a clam under there
  • He's been able to see himself in the mirror and usually smiles and laughs when he sees himself. He cracks me up when this happens.
  • He's had a few nights where he's slept 7-8 hours in one stretch, with the average being 6 hours.
  • He loves his bath. Calms him down and he loves being in the warm water.
  • He's "talking" quite a bit, making cooing sounds and great little baby sounds. Sometimes we laugh because his coos sound like words. We've definitely heard him coo and it sounds like "Ow" (this usually happens when we're changing his clothes which is so funny) and the other day we swear we heard him coo "Hi"...yes we know we're crazy and we're not suggesting our 7 week old baby is talking but it's so funny how it definitely sounds like words!
  • He's very aware of other babies when he's around them. He's also very aware of people and alert when he's out (he used to sleep all the time, now it's about 50/50 when we're out.)
We'll be transitioning him from sleeping in the pack and play in our room to his crib this next week. I'm having a bit of separation anxiety just thinking about this already but I'm sure it'll go fine. Every time we've put him in his crib so far he's loved it and loves the mobile I made for him. Hopefully this continues! :)

Be back soon with photos!

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