April 5, 2010

3 weeks old!

Santiago is 3 weeks old today! It's hard to believe how much has happened and changed in the past three weeks! Three weeks ago, I had just met my baby boy, held him and had him wisked off to the NICU for an infection. Almost three weeks ago, I had my second surgery to repair the hematoma underneath my c-section.

Now, we're all home. We're happy, and recovering. I'm adjusting to life as a mom, and Tito's adjusting to life as a dad. I've had two full days of being a stay at home mom as Tito's had to go into the office. I'm proud to say that each day I've gotten laundry done, or some sort of chores, and taken showers and put on makeup. The one thing I have yet to do is go out with the baby alone. But basically that's because I'm still restricted on lifting more than 10 lbs. and that means not lifting Santi while he's in his car seat.

I've changed my share of diapers, wiped away my share of tears, fed my baby until I couldn't feed him anymore, enjoyed his scent, snuggled with my boy as he fell asleep on my shoulder, listened to more than my fair share of "baby tunes" in an attempt to get him to fall asleep, had many late nights, endured a few baths (without incident), saw my baby lose his belly button (so now he has a cute little outie!), and figured out that my boy fits best into newborn clothes and SWIMS in his 0-3 month stuff.

I've learned that the swing and the bouncer were, by far, the best purchases I made. That he loves being held (and we love holding him) and dislikes tummy time right now. That my cats are acting exactly as I thought they would (they get that he's something special to us, but aren't quite sure what he is yet. And when he cries and if we're out of the room at the time, one cat will always find one of us and let us know he's crying by making repeat appearances in front of us and watching to see if we're following her.)

And I've learned it's possible to love someone who I've known for only a fraction of time more than I've ever loved anyone before. And I've also learned that my husband is everything I thought he was and more when I met him. He's an amazing father. For someone who had never really even held a baby before ours, he's made strides in three weeks time that are amazing. He changes diapers, holds Santi when he's crying, loves cuddling with him, and learning his moods. And he's the best husband to me. Throughout my recovery from my surgeries, he's been there through the good and the bad. Literally from helping me walk to the bathroom or to a wheelchair in the hospital, to helping me put on my socks, pants, etc or washing bottles or pump parts in the middle of the night when it was hard for me to get out of bed. He takes the vow of "in sickness and in health" seriously, and I've certainly tested it with this pregnancy and birth! I feel so blessed when I look at my new little family, and so proud and happy to have my boys in my life.

And here's a few photos just because we love showing off our handsome little guy:

In his coming home outfit from the hospital - all UMaine gear (our alma mater!)

Burrito baby

In his bouncer - one favorite seat in the house

In his swing - second favorite seat in the house

Tummy time - not his favorite

Pirate face - arr!

Napping on daddy

Easter 2010

First family portrait!

3 weeks post partum - down 28 lbs so far...only 8 more to go to be at my pre-pregnancy weight


Kate Wilke said...

We watched your belly grow, now we get to watch it shrink!

I'm glad to hear you're all doing so well now. It sounded pretty scary and hectic for a while.

Keep the cute photos coming!

TornadoTwos said...

I followed your link to here from FB and read all that you guys went through following the birth of your adorable little guy. I can't imagine how scarry that must have been for you both. I'm so glad that everyone is healthy and you're now having normal mommy days. The newborn pictures came out beautifully!


Lesli said...

Oh, my gosh, how did you lose 28 pounds of baby weight in 3 weeks??

You are like a movie star!!