May 1, 2012

Things Loved By Santiago

So Santi just turned two, and I've been working on a post about some of his favorite toys for awhile. Every birthday and holiday, I find myself asking people who have kids who are the same age or older what their kids are into for playing in the hopes of drawing some inspiration. We've gotten several "popular" toys, but also we've gone the less popular route and found things that he really loves, as well as inspire him to use his imagination. So here's a list of his current favorites:

Cars/Trucks: Santi LOVES cars and trucks. Anywhere we go, he asks to see them, play with them, etc. He has a bunch of little cars that he plays with that are made by Tonka. I picked them up at a consignment sale (the bag of 20 or so was only$5!) and he plays with them pretty much everyday. Also the thing that I like about them is that they are sturdy, but small so they fit easily into his hands.

Busy Ball Popper: We gave Santi this ball popper for Christmas two years ago when he was 9 months old. Initially he was scared of how loud it seemed. But since then, he's gotten used to it and loves playing with it. He still plays with it now at 2!

RolliPop: Santi got this as a birthday present for his 1st birthday. From the first day we put it together, he has loved it. He plays with this There are a couple of things I would change about it - I'd make the pieces fit together a little tighter. When he was younger, nothing was more fun for him than taking it apart. So, my OCDness had me putting it back together all the time. I'd also make a second kit to add to this so you could make it bigger and a longer run for the balls. But those are my additions - Santi loves it just the way it is!

Garbage Trucks: We now have three of these in our house. He is obsessed with watching the real trucks go up and down the street on Friday mornings. So we picked him up a Tonka garbage truck this past Christmas and he loved it. He got two more for his birthday. I have no idea why they capture his heart like they do, but for some reason, they are the best to play with for him.

Construction trucks: To go along with his love of all trucks and vehicles, he loves construction vehicles. It all started when we'd occasionally show him Twenty Trucks videos from YouTube while he was eating so we could actually get him to eat. Then they started construction on a new development down the street that we drive past everyday. And then he noticed construction vehicle toys in Target, and we knew we were goners. He has several smaller trucks and just got a larger Matchbox made excavator. It's funny to hear him say all of the names of each truck at only 2!

Bubbles: Who doesn't love bubbles? Santi certainly does! He loves playing with bubbles outside and in the bathtub. He did get some bubbles from Crayola that are colored..they say that they are washable but I've heard that they're not. I opened the container and instantly knew not to use them inside. So last summer, we brought them outside, but I noticed that when the bubbles popped on Santi's clothes they would leave a mark (they did wash out, but I'd heard that people were upset as they were staining their carpets and hardwood floors.) So I decided we'd use them in another way and do bubble painting with them! I put paper down on a table outside (the ground would have also worked) and blew the bubbles at the paper. When they popped they created great patterns and Santi had a great time watching me blow the bubbles!

Coloring/Stickers: I usually try to do a craft project every week or so with Santi. Even if it's just pulling out the crayons and paper. He loves to draw together (which is him scribbling and asking me to draw things. I'm not the best artist, but to my 2 year old, I'm amazing!) He loves coloring, and loves putting stickers on the paper. 

Books: We have read to Santi since he was about 2 months old. We made it a part of our routine - we'd give him a bath, change him, then read him a book while I nursed him and then put him to bed. Now that he's older, some things have changed (no more nursing!) but we still read him a book most nights. And we also read to him during the day too. He has a ton of books, and we're always picking up more for him. He also got a bunch for Christmas from my parents (his Eric Carle collection is pretty extensive now.) And anytime I go to a consignment sale, I try and grab him a few as well. Some of his favorites include: The Grouchy Ladybug, Little Quack, Make Way for the Ducklings and anything with Elmo or Sesame Street characters in it.

So these are some of the things that Santi loves right now. Do you see any of your kid's favorites in here? What are some things that your kids love to play with?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Gazillion bubbles are the best. Crayola markers and crayons are great too. I typically buy off brands, but when it comes to markers and crayons I have to go name brand!

My boys also LOVE the Imaginext toys. They will play with them FOREVER! We like them because there are different sets and several options to go with each set. Having many options to go along with the set allows for presents for several holidays or options to be offered for many family/friends to purchase.