May 18, 2010

Letter to Santiago


Dear Santiago:

It’s been two months since you were born. It’s been 11 months since we learned you would be joining our family. But you’ve been in our hearts for so much longer.

Over the past two months, you’ve changed so much. You’re smiling and cooing at us all the time. You’ve discovered yourself in the mirror and love smiling and talking to yourself. It seems you think you’re as handsome as we think you are!

You’ve already met Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John, Uncle Sean, Tio Dani and Ciocia Agi and a bunch of our friends. They are all as in love with you as we are! You’re attending baby/mommy classes once a week with mommy and you love looking at the other babies.

When we hold you, you now prefer to face out, so you can see the world and what’s going on. You stare at lights whenever you can see them. You’ve made it through your two month appointment where you got your first set of vaccines. Mommy cried more than you did! You’re such a strong, brave boy. We knew this when we met you and saw you go through getting IV’s and a central line in the NICU.

Here are some more things that you’re doing:

• Holding your fists open rather than tightly closed all the time.
• Signaling for milk by moving your fist over your cheek.
• Spitting up a lot (not mommy’s favorite!)
• You had your first official “blow out” in your diaper.
• You stand on your legs when mommy or daddy holds you for longer periods of time.
• You smile and laugh (without sound) a lot.
• You like to sit in your swing and “talk” to your friends (the toy birds and butterflies that rotate above you.)
• You’re sleeping an average of 7 hours when we first put you down at night.
• You love getting a bath.
• You’ve outgrown all of your newborn clothes, and mommy was a little sad that she had to pack them all away.
• You’re now wearing some 3 month, and some 3-6 month clothes.
• You love going for walks and always fall asleep after a bit.
• You love your bouncer and sit in it every morning while mommy takes a shower and gets ready.
• If you get too fussy, mommy will put the hairdryer on low next to you on the floor while you’re in the bouncer and you always fall asleep to it.
• You’re discovering your “sisters” (the cats) and they are discovering you. Monet will lay on daddy’s lap when he’s holding you. They both sniff you and both know you’re someone really important to us (and that you’re not going anywhere!)
• You do really well when mommy is out shopping, and usually sleep through the whole trip.
• You’re recognizing mommy and daddy and smiling at us when you see us.

We are so glad to spend every minute with you and watch you as you change and grow. We can’t wait to watch you over the coming months and years and see who you become. Most importantly, we love you very much, and thank God for bringing you into our lives every day!

Mommy and Daddy

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