November 3, 2008


So as much as I dislike cold weather, I love a lot about the fall.

1. My birthday is in the fall. I am one of those people that no matter how old I get, I love my birthday. Yes, I dread getting older like the rest of us, but given my health history, I really am thankful for each day, month and year I get, and the things that life throws my way. This October 12th, I celebrated 31 years with a large group of friends, food and some wine. It was perfect.

2. Fall apples...there is nothing better than biting into a slightly tart, crisp, non-mealy apple. Nothing. We went to Costco yesterday and bought a huge pack of apples, and my husband didn't think I would eat them all (I have a habit of buying fruits and veggies and not eating them all before they go bad.) Well, last night, I was craving a snack and grabbed an apple that was almost the size of my head (ok, maybe not that big, but it was big!) It was delish.

3. The changing leaves. Growing up in New England, this was one of my favorite things about fall. It was also the one thing I missed when living in Florida. I like having a marker for the changing seasons.

4. Hot chocolate...the thing with Seattle is that it's cool enough for hot cocoa in the fall. Something about a rainy day and coming home to make a cup of cocoa that warms my heart.

5. It's almost time for Christmas! Christmas, aside from my birthday, is my favorite holiday (and my birthday is actually a holiday - Columbus Day! Although they don't celebrate it in WA.) I love the decorating, the cookie baking, the cheer, the ornaments, the feeling of getting the perfect gift for my loved ones, the cute stuff that Target sells that I don't need, but love. So I love this time of year, as I start getting into the spirit long before the day!

Happy Fall!

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