November 18, 2008

5 more days...

Until my trip. Super excited. Right now, super busy with work though, so that's helping to pass the time.

I've been working out about 5 days a week for the past two months in preparation for this trip. While I have only lost 5 pounds (wanted to lose 10), I am feeling a lot better. Clothes are fitting better (not so tight!) and I have lost inches! At last measurement, I've lost 1 in from my arms, 2 from my waist, 2.5 from my hips, 1.5 from my thighs and 1 from my chest. I'm happier about these inches lost than the actual weight to tell you the truth. There were a lot of things about my body I was unhappy with and it seems as if things are falling into place. Literally and figuratively. :) And I just feel better overall.

While my sleep patterns have been messed up since I started going to acupuncture a few months ago (something my doc says is normal because of the balancing he's doing with my chi), I'm more awake, craving good foods like veggies, fruits, and water, I've cut down on caffeine to only one Diet Coke a day during the week (because I need to basically cut it out in the next month now that my husband and I are officially TTC as of our trip), and alcohol (although wine is still in my diet until I get a positive pregnancy test!) My arms are more toned, as are my thighs and calves, and I'm loving my chest and shoulders right now as well. While I'm not as thin as I was, my stomach is flat and I am beginning to see some ab definition that I once had back in my high school and early college cheerleading days (yes, I was a cheerleader...don't make fun!) :)

My goal was to drop about 10 pounds and get down to under 120. I'm currently at 123, but still want to lose the rest. My original goal was to look good for our trip, but now I'm going to continue to work out, not only because my body is craving it, but because I want to be in the best shape possible for TTC and pregnancy. Hopefully the better shape I'm in pre-pregnancy, the easier it'll be for me to bounce back afterwards. I'm already scouting jogging strollers and I'm not even pregnant yet! With an average of 90 - 100 sunny days here in Seattle, and maybe another 50 where it's not sunny but not raining, I want to be able to take advantage of the somewhat ok weather with the baby and get out there and literally walk my ass off. :) I unfortunately gain weight in my butt, hips and thighs pretty much exclusively (although I was gaining in my arms too) so I know that's where baby weight is going to go...while I've always felt good that I didn't get the dreaded muffin top in my fluctuation of 5 to 10 pounds, it still sucks when you have a small waist and have to buy bigger jeans because your thighs or hips are bigger (and then have them altered so you don't have a coin slot showing every time you bend over!) And being 5'2" with a pear shape is unfortunate I'm working on it!

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